Dori Dirig
Santa Cruz Island
Phidiana hiltoni
Nikon D80
Ikelite housing
Dual DS125 (TTL)
60mm lens
David Dirig
Santa Cruz Island
Janolus barbarensis
Nikon D80
Ikelite housing
Dual DS125 (TTL)
60mm lens
David Andrew
3/27/2009 La Jolla Shores
South Walls
Egg-bearing Yellow Crab
Cancer anthonyi
Nikon D90
Ikelite housing
Dual Ikelite DS-160 Strobes
Spencer Tuck
La Jolla Shores 65 feet
Brown Rock Crab
Cancer antennarius
Canon 50D
Ikelite housing
Ikelite DS160 and DS125 strobes
60mm lens
You can just make out red spots on the underside, making this a Brown Rock Crab.
Herb Gruenhagen
La Jolla Shores
Main Wall
45 feet
Shovelnose Guitarfish
Rhinobatos productus
Canon PowerShot G10
YS110/YS30 strobes
Mike Hallack
Laguna Beach
Montage Resort
25 feet
California Moray
Gymnothorax mordax
Red Rock Shrimp
Lysmata californica
Fujifilm f40fd
Ikelite DS-125
Jim Swanson
La Jolla Shores
Main Wall
Sarcastic Fringehead
Neoclinus blanchardi
Sand Dollars
Dendraster excentricus
Olympus Stylus 770 SW
Olympus housing
Steve Murvine
Santa Cruz Island
Gull Island 80 feet
Janolus barbarensis
Canon G-9
Ikelite housing
Ikelite DS 125 TTL
Allison Vitsky
Santa Cruz Island
Ruby Rock
75 feet
Hemphill's Kelp Crab
Podochela hemphilli
Red Gorgonian
Lophogorgia chilensis
Canon 20D
Dual Sea and Sea YS250 strobes
60mm macro lens
Brenda Bridgett
La Jolla Shores
Diver Gayle Van Leer and
A salp, perhaps
Helicosalpa virgula
Another view, for possible ID
Canon Powershot A570
Ambient light
Tracy Clark
Point Loma
Pacific Electric Ray
Torpedo californica
Nikon D70s
60mm lens
David Hershman
Laguna Beach
Montage Resort
30 feet
Two female California Sheephead
Semicossyphus pulcher
Olympus Stylus 1030sw
Olympus housing
Internal flash
Mark Pidcoe
La Jolla Shores
Secret Garden
Doriopsilla albopunctata
Ikelite housing.
Ikelite DS-50 Strobe w/ manual EV Controller
Manual settings & ISO 64
Terry Strait
3/27/2009 La Jolla Cove
Photographer at sunset
Nikon D50
Sigma 10-50 WA lens
1 stop circular polarizer.
f/7.1, 1/2, ISO 200
Phil Garner
3/31/2009 Redondo Beach
3:40-min video clip
Click to play video clip
Sony HDR-HC9 camcorder