Steve Murvine
La Jolla
Marine Room
15–20 feet
Anisotremus davidsoni
Canon G-9
Ikelite housing
DS-51 TTL strobe
Allison Vitsky
La Jolla Shores 30 feet
Diver Josh O'Brien in amazing visibility
Sand Dollars
Dendraster excentricus
Canon 20D
Dual Ikelite DS125 strobes
10-17mm fisheye lens set at 12 mm
Steve Gardner
La Jolla Shores 55 feet
Parchment Tube Worm tubes
Chaetopterus sp.
Olympus C5050z
Ikelite Housing
Two strobes
38 degree super wide angle Inon Lens
Brenda Bridgett
La Jolla
12 feet
Harbor Seal
Phoca vitulina
Sealife DC 600
Ambient light
Chris Nelson
Scripps Canyon
110 feet
Chromis punctipinnis
Sea & Sea DX-1G
Ambient light
Clint Crowe
La Jolla Shores
40 feet
Angel Shark
Squatina californica
Sand Dollars
Dendraster excentricus
Canon A710IS
Canon WP-1 housing
Ambient light
Jim Swanson
La Jolla Shores
A California Lizardfish
Synodus lucioceps
eating a California Tonguefish
Symphurus atricauda
Olympus Stylus 770 SW
Olympus housing
Phil Garner
10/30/2008 Redondo Beach Redondo Canyon
Dirona picta
Sea & Sea DX-1G f/11, 1/40, ISO 135
Jen Tople
La Jolla Shores
North Wall
Berthella californica
Nikon D70s
Dual Ikelite DS-125s
60mm lens
Dave Rudie
10/31/2008 La Jolla 0 feet
Diver Steve Nau climbing out of the water
Olympus SP-350
Inon 165 fisheye lens
Terry Strait
10/30/2008 La Jolla
Scripps Pier
Flabellina trilineata
Nikon D40x
Ikelite housing
Dual DS125 strobes
60mm macro lens plus Woody diopter
f/15, 1/100, ISO 200
George Foster
10/29/2008 La Jolla Shores Main Wall
California Lizardfish
Synodus lucioceps
Sand Dollars
Dendraster excentricus
Nikon D200
Aquatica Housing
Sea & Sea YS-110 strobes
60mm Nikkor lens
f/22, 1/100, ISO 200
Scott McGee
10/31/2008 La Jolla Shores
Main Wall 55 feet
Triopha catalinae
Nikon D200
Ikelite housing
DS125 strobe
105mm lens
f/32, 1/200
Volker Kilian
11/1/2008 Los Coronados North Island
Keyhole 60 feet
Short-spined Star
Pisaster brevispinus
and Spiny Brittle Stars, a Bat Star, and several White Sea Urchins
Canon G9
Internal flash
Shauna McGillivray
11/1/2008 La Jolla Shores
North of the Main Wall 60 feet
Yellowfin Fringehead
Neoclinus stephensae
Canon A570IS
Internal flash
Jimmy Yuan
10/31/2008 La Jolla Shores
Inshore of the North Wall 50 feet
Angel Shark
Squatina californica
Canon Powershot A620
Mike McCanna
Point Loma Kelp
7 Fathoms
California Sheephead
Semicossyphus pulcher
California Golden Gorgonian
Muricea californica
Nikon P5000
Ikelite housing
DS-51 substrobe
Sharon Wong
Peacock Mantis Shrimp
Odontodactylus scyllarus
Canon SD700IS
Canon UW housing
Nocturnal SLX LED focus light (no strobe)
Jim Lyle
Palos Verdes
Wreck of the Avalon
Shovelnose Guitarfish
Rhinobatos productus
Olympus E-330
Ikelite housing
Dual Ikelite DS-125 strobes
Zuiko 14-54mm lens
f/2.8, 1/80, ISO 200
Brian McHugh
Point Loma
Ancient Sea Cliffs
Train Wheels 75 feet
Dendronotus albus
Sea Life DC800
YS110 Strobe and Fantasea focus light
Steve Christenson
La Jolla Cove
40 feet
Blood Star
Henricia leviuscula
Canon SD870IS
Sea & Sea YS-27DX strobe
Kim Mitchell
La Jolla Shores
30 feet
Corambe steinbergae
(the nudibranch; center frame)
Skeleton Shrimp
Infraorder Caprellida
Sand Dollars
Dendraster excentricus
Canon Powershot S410
Tracy Clark
La Jolla Shores
Bluebanded Goby
Lythrypnus dalli
Nikon D70s
60mm lens
Roger Uzun
West Palm Beach, Florida, and
Grand Bahama Island
7:14-min video clip
Click to play video clip
Sony HDR-HC9 camcorder
Ocean Images underwater housing
Pro Watt Scuba 2x100W video lights
wide angle port from Fathom Imaging as well as a flat port