Dave Rudie
8/15/2008 Hawaii
35 feet
Diver Ace Parnell working in a Gorski helmet
Olympus SP-350
Ambient light
Inon 165 fisheye lense
Todd Warshaw
Guadalupe Island, Mexico
White Shark
Carcharodon carcharias
Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II
Click for more photos . . .
Justin Smith
Baja California, Mexico
La Bufadora
Sunlight through the Kelp
Macrocystis pyrifera
Canon A620
Chris Nelson
North of Scripps Pier
15 feet
California Sea Hare
Aplysia californica
Sea & Sea DX-1G
Scott McGee
8/16/2008 La Jolla Shores North of the Main Wall
45 feet
Cumanotus sp. 1
Sand Dollars
Dendraster excentricus
Nikon D200
Ikelite Housing
DS125 strobe
105mm lens
f/18, 1/200
Mark Pidcoe
San Diego's Wreck Alley
Brown Rockfish
Sebastes auriculatus
White-plumed Anemones
Metridium farcimen
Camera Sony DSC-P150
Sony Marine Housing
Pixma Slave Flash
Jen Tople
8/18/2008 La Jolla Shores Above the Main Wall 30 feet
Speckled Sanddab
Citharichthys stigmaeus
with juvenile Sand Dollars
Dendraster excentricus
Pete Hergesheimer
La Jolla Shores
Austraeolis stearnsi
Canon G9
Jessica Heim
Offshore San Diego
Just outside Nine Mile Bank
Juvenile Dorado
Coryphaena hippurus
Canon a620
Ikelite housing
Shutter speed priority mode 1/250 at 400 ISO
Terry Strait
La Jolla Shores Main Wall
Two-spot Octopus
Octopus bimaculatus or
Octopus bimaculoides
California Sea Hare
Aplysia californica
Nikon D40x
Single DS125 strobe
18-55mm lens set at 18mm
Russ Wells
Buddy Dives' house reef
Queen Parrotfish
Scarus vetula
Canon A620
Sea & Sea YS27
f/5.6, 1/200, ISO 100
Tracy Clark
8/16/2008 La Jolla Shores
Spotted Sand Bass
Paralabrax maculatofasciatus
Nikon D70s
60mm lens
Julianne Steers
Newport Beach
Crystal Cove
20 feet
An isopod
Idotea sp.
Canon Powershot Pro1
Ikelite Housing
Sea & Sea YS-90 Auto Duo Strobe
Alison Vitsky
8/16/2008 San Diego's Wreck Alley
NOSC Tower
Amphipods cover a yellow sponge (with worm)
Canon 20D
Dual Ikelite DS125 strobes
60mm macro lens
Macro Mate diopter
Mike Bartick
Laguna Beach
Shaw's Cove
Tylodina fungina
Nikon D300
YS110 strobe and YS90 strobe
60mm macro lens
Volker Kilian
Los Coronados
80 feet
White-spotted Rose Anemone
Urticina lofotensis
Spiny Brittle Stars
Ophiothrix spiculata
Olympus C-7000
Internal flash
Roger Carlson
Santa Barbara Island
70 feet
Doris montereyensis
Spiny Brittle Stars
Ophiothrix spiculata
Olympus E-330
Olympus housing
Ikelite DS125 strobe
7-14mm lens
Stuart Berryhill
Catalina Island
Little Geiger Cove
45 feet
California Spiny Lobster
Panulirus interruptus
Olympus D-580
Single YS-60 strobe
Jimmy Yuan
8/17/2008 La Jolla Shores
Main Wall
Phalacrocorax penicillatus
Sand Dollars
Dendraster excentricus
Canon Powershot A620
Kim Mitchell
La Jolla Shores
50 feet
Cumanotus sp. 1 on a hydroid
Canon Powershot S410
Brett Tischler
Shanghai, China
Shanghai Aquarium
Yellow Boxfish
Ostracion cubicus
Nikon D70
SB600 strobe
60mm macro lens
f/14, 1/50, ISO 640
"Here is a shot taken while I am on one of my Asian customer tours. The fish is underwater, my camera was not. Given how much time I have spent underwater trying to get the shy yellow boxfish to look at me and not swim away, this is probably the best I will get of them."
Frédéric Pache
La Jolla Shores
Northern Kelp Crab
Pugettia producta
Sand Dollars
Dendraster excentricus
Casio Exilim EX-z55
EWC-55 housing
sl960d strobe
Matt Cerezo
La Jolla Shores
at the surface
Purple-striped Jelly
Chrysaora colorata
Sealife DC600
Kevin Lee
Redondo Canyon
65 feet
Acanthodoris brunnea
Nikon D20
Dual YS-110 strobes
Brian McHugh
Anacapa Island
Arch Rock
Macrocystis pyrifera
and mostly Opaleye
Girella nigricans
Sea Life DC800
Natural Light
Ashley Brock
La Jolla Shores
Main Wall
Sarcastic Fringehead
Neoclinus blanchardi
Olympus Stylus 710
Internal flash & Light Cannon
Steve Gardner
San Diego's Wreck Alley
Ruby E
65 feet
Snubnose Sculpin
Orthonopias triacis
Olympus C5050z
Single strobe