Chris Nelson
First submission to POTW!
Catalina Island
Near Two Harbors
Harbor Seal
Phoca vitulina
Sea & Sea DX-1G
Ambient light
Jim Shrove
11/7/2007 Off Lanai, Hawaii
WWII Torpedo
Canon A620
"[This is] a WWII torpedo we found floating in the water on our way to Lanai to dive the Cathedrals. We actually made the news and there was all kinds of talk all over the island about it, because the Coast Guard said they would come out and pick it up, however they never found it, so its still floating out there."
Walt Conklin
11/11/2007 Redondo Canyon
80 feet
Finescale Triggerfish
Balistes polylepis
Sea & Sea DX-8000G
Internal flash
28mm lens
Garry McCarthy
La Jolla Shores
Main Point
Juvenile Giant Kelpfish
Heterostichus rostratus
Nikon 8008s
Single Sea & Sea YS-60 strobe
60mm Micro-Nikkor
Film: Kodak E100VS
Matt Cerezo
Mission Beach
Wreck Alley
Forward Guns
Sealife DC600
Wide-angle lens
Scott McGee
La Jolla Shores
Above Secret Garden
Lion Nudibranch
Melibe leonina
Nikon D200
Ikelite Housing
DS125 Strobe
105mm lens
f/18, 1/60
Dave Rudie
11/11/2007 South Point Loma
Urticina sp.
Olympus SP-320
Internal flash
Mike Bartick
Anacapa Island
Pelican Reserve
Delonovolva aequalis
Nikon D80
Sea and Sea housing
DS 90 strobe
60 mm lens
Matt Newlin
Key Largo, Florida
100 feet
U.S. Flag on the Spiegel Grove
Intova IC600
Tony So
11/9/2007 La Jolla Shores
A solitary hydroid, probably
Tubularia marina
Canon SD700
Internal flash
Mark Pidcoe
La Jolla Shores
North Wall
Cerberilla pungoarena
Sony DSC-F828
Ikelite Housing
DS50 strobe
Phil Garner
11/11/2007 San Pedro
Cabrillo Beach
Navanax inermis
Fujifilm E900
f/8, 1/600, ISO 80
Stuart Berryhill
Catalina Island
Casino Point Underwater Park
A murex, probably
Pteropurpura trialata
Olympus D-580
YS-60 strobe
Macro mode
Kim Mitchell
La Jolla Shores
Main Point
Stearn's Aeolid
Austraeolis stearnsi
Canon Powershot S410
Tracy Clark
La Jolla Shores
Rockpool Blenny
Hypsoblennius gilberti
Nikon D70s
60mm lens
Jen Tople
11/10/2007 Mission Beach
Wreck Alley
Hermissenda crassicornis
Dan Scanderbeg
La Jolla
Marine Room
Green Sea Turtle
Chelonia mydas
Canon A95
Canon housing
Steve Murvine
Point Loma
Ancient Sea Cliffs
Diver Kurt Gross
Canon SD-750
Kevin Lee
La Jolla Shores
Main Wall
Lion Nudibranch
Melibe leonina
Nikon D200
Dual YS-110 strobes
Matt Gieselman
11/11/2007 Maui, Hawaii
Green Sea Turtle
Chelonia mydas
1:25-min video clip
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